From December 16 to 24, 2024
Know the paths that lead to the real Christmas
Not all choices lead us to the true spirit of Christmas.
It is essential to remember the protection of the Virgin Mary in the humble grotto of Bethlehem, where she gave birth to Jesus, the hope of the world.
This Christmas, we invite you and your family to see Christmas through the eyes of the Immaculate Virgin.
Join us for nine days of meditation and celebration, reflecting on the true meaning of Christmas.
Find the light of Christ by following the incomparable star of Bethlehem: Mary.
Don’t turn your eyes and heart away from the trails of light left by Our Lady, because at the end of the road, she brings us the blessed fruit of her womb, Jesus.
DECEMBER 16th (Monday)
The beginning of the Christmas Novena is marked by the theme of “Faith”. The coming of Christ in Bethlehem through the Virgin Mary marks the beginning of Christian civilization. This sacred birth brought light to a world in darkness, transforming hope into possession, after thousands of years, by a Savior who brought the longed-for renewal to sinful humanity.
DECEMBER 17th (Tuesday)
It is essential to recognize Mary as our intercessor and helper, the one to whom God entrusted the sublime mission of bringing His beloved Son into the world. If God entrusted his Son to her, why should we doubt her love for us?
DECEMBER 18th (Wednesday)
To do this before God and the world in order to achieve true happiness. Taking on spiritual realities with conviction, in response to the growing indifference to faith, is part of the coherence that must govern our lives. We are invited to look at the Child Jesus, just as Our Lady looked at Him, and ask for the grace to serve Him with the same love and dedication.
DECEMBER 19th (Thursday)
The Blessed Mother can give us the strength we need to live the true Christian battle. These graces will be all the more effective the deeper our adherence to the teachings of Jesus our Lord.
DECEMBER 20th (Friday)
On the fifth day of the Christmas Novena, we will meditate on the superficiality of modern celebrations and the growing indifference to the true meaning of Christmas. Cultivating a generous and humble heart allows God to act in our lives. And it is in the example of Mary, who showed perfect docility to God’s will, that our model lies.
DECEMBER 21st (Saturday)
You need to understand that the gift that the Child Jesus wants most is inside you, and not in any store windows. Giving up addictions, harmful relationships and bad habits is within your reach. The unpretentious and exemplary Servant of the Lord will show you how to do His will in your life.
DECEMBER 22nd (Sunday)
What is the meaning of the Magi’s visit to the Child Jesus? By contemplating the harmony between their wealth and the simplicity of the shepherds, we will learn the importance of conversion and the constant search for the divine light, symbolized by the star that guided the Magi to Christ in the arms of Our Lady, and this is independent of our wealth, so it is within the reach of us all.
DECEMBER 23rd (Monday)
There is a deep connection between the birth of Jesus and the sacrament of the Eucharist. Cultivating an intense love for the Eucharist and all that it is makes us see more clearly the greatness of the Christmas mysteries.
DECEMBER 24th (Tuesday)
The birth of Jesus. The incarnation of Christ. To meditate on this is to live Christmas, to celebrate Christmas as children of Light.
Who are the Heralds of the Gospel?
The Heralds of the Gospel are an International Private Association of the Faithful of Pontifical Right, the first of its kind established in the 21st century by the Holy Father St. John Paul II.
Evangelizing through beauty is an important feature of the association’s charism. Gregorian chant, sacred music and zeal in the liturgy are hallmarks of the spirituality they promote throughout the world.
Fidelity to the Holy Church is a pillar that contributes to the continuous development of the Heralds of the Gospel around the world, enabling them to promote the Catholic faith through various forms of apostolate in dozens of countries.